Unser Clubcaller Mark war Gastcaller bei den Running Turtles in Augsburg,
im Jugendzentrum "K15" in der Kanalstrasse 15.
Ihm folgten 9 magic moments Mitglieder, sodass dies zum 1. Banner-Stealing unseres Clubs führte.
Our club caller Mark was hired as guest caller to the Running Turtles, Augsburg,
having their dancing location in the youth quarter "K15" in the Kanalstrasse 15.
With him there came 9 members of the magic moments, being thus our 1st banner stealing.
Mark beim Callen. / Mark, calling. |
Ernst und/and Vroni. |
Bruni nahm die Turtle in Empfang... / Proud Bruni, just having got the turtle. |
Wir waren da! / We've been there! |
Weitere Bilder von diesem Abend. / Further pictures of this evening.
© 2009-2015 magic moments